Wuhan Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge
Product Used: UJOIN-AC High-performance concrete expanding agent    Product time: 2015 
Project Overview

Project briefing:
Wuhan Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge is the tenth bridge cross Yangtze River in Wuhan city and the project is on going. It locates at the upstream of Wuhan Grand Yangtze River Bridge for about 6 KM, linking Hanyang district and Wuchan district of Wuhan. The total length of the bridge is 4.32 KM.

Steel truss beam and concrete portal frame are used in the project. The total investment amount of the bridge is about 8.034 billion. The project commenced on December 3, 2014, and will be completed in September, 2019.

Production application and on-site construction

We have provided about 3,000 tons of UJOIN-AC high-performance expanding agent for Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge.

Contact Us

027-8666 2166

Gong Ren Cun Du Shi Industrial Zone, Qingshan District, Wuhan, Hubei

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